Dr. Porter is a member of The Academy of General Dentistry. Dr. Porter has both a dental and medical background that positions him to provide excellent care to our patients. He attended St. John’s University, graduated with a degree in Nursing and spent 8 years at the VA Medical Center in Minneapolis where he worked in the areas of Med/Surgery/Orthopedics and Surgical Intensive Care. In 1997 Dr. Porter returned to school at the University of Minnesota Dental School where he completed his dental degree in 2001. This unique background has allowed Dr. Porter the skills and confidence to treat patients with complex medical and dental issues rather than referring to outside providers. Over the last 17 years, he has had the opportunity to gain a broad background in dental skills that focus on performing both simple and complicated dental procedures.
Dr. Porter enjoys hockey, lacrosse and coaching sports teams for his three sons. He is also involved in USA youth hockey refereeing. He is an avid hockey fan and loves going to MN Wild games with family and friends. Both Dr. Porter and his wife Lisa are busy professionals who enjoy working in the healthcare field.